2016 Results

Please note that all unions in the Western Cape are welcome to email the webmaster for publication of their union race results. FBHU 001 Laingsburg 002 Laingsburg 003 Leeugamka 004 Leeugamka 005 Beaufort West 006 Victoria west 007 Beaufort West 008 Britstown CAR 008...


Die politiek in die duiwe sport, ongeag hoeveel onsmaaklikhede en negatiewe gedagtes die term en die implikasies daarvan, sal in die weg van die beginner kom wanneer hy aansluit by n klub en aktief deelneem aan wedvlugte. Die voortbestaan van ons sport hang af vir sy...

SANPO – Constitution 2015

This Constitution contains all the rules as amended up to and including 28th March 2015. The publication of this version of the Constitution replaces all previous versions of the Constitution. Download PDF here

SANPO – Revised racing rules

Please note that I have received various inquiries whereby Fanciers advise they are getting conflicting stories regarding the maximum distances they are allowed to fly – and this from SANPO representatives. As per the recently ammended Race rule the Age/Distance rule...