Hotspot 1 has come and gone and we are now looking forward to Hotspot 2.

The day of Hotspot 1 dawned as a beautiful day with blue skies but within a few hours that had changed to a cloudy day with the Cape Doctor, The South Easter, gaining strength.

This resulted in a velocity of 1 216 mpm for the pigeons which was a good test to show how fit and healthy they are. The first pack arrived after 1 hour and 51 minutes on the wing. It comprised 18 pigeons and as they made a few swings they were joined by another pack diving for the loft.

A few swings later it was all over and Otto Kellner was the man left smiling with his winnings of      R 10 000. Congratulations Otto.

HOTSPOT 1 – Eendekuil – 01 September 2015  
Rank Fancier Pigeon
1 Kellner Otto BDU D 14 4610 R 10 000, Trophy, Medal
2 A M Abrahams FB 14 24760 Free Entry – Medal
3 JAGGA NICO VRDK 15 1007 Free Entry – Medal
4 Penkin. Gaddin &Stander WPHU 14 0367 Free Entry – Medal
5 T van DYK MASKAM 14 0638 Free Entry – Medal
6 WILDBOYS LOFT SVPV 14 0370 Medal
7 Tonie en Rassie WYNLAND 14 1025 Medal
8 Penkin Saville WPHU 14 0324 Medal
9 Vernooi J B WES 14 1735 Medal
10 Januarie Lyle FB 14 36904 Medal

We had a number of visitors at the loft and in the future we will look at providing a braai of boerewors rolls and cooldrinks for the visitors. It was really nice to see so many fanciers at the loft and meeting the faces behind the emails and telephone calls was a great pleasure.

We will soon be sending out the program for the rest of the season with the dates of trainings and the future Hotspots.


The team competition will run again as per the previous years. The cost is R 500 for 3 pigeons. The points will be allocated as follows: The first 100 arrivals will receive points from 100 to 1. So the pigeon in 1st position in the loft result gets 100 points and the 100th pigeon gets 1 point.

Fanie will run the competition so please email him at pi******************@gm***.com or call him on 072 426 1890

We have uploaded a video of Hotspot 1 and an interview with Fanie. Please look at the footage as then you will see what is planned for the rest of the year and you can also see the condition of the pigeons and feel part of the series.

Thank you to Johan Adriaanse who was operating the camera for the day 🙂

2016 Year
We are thinking of an old bird competition for next year and would like to hear from you whether you would be interested in supporting such a series. Please let me know by sending me an email at Ro****@be*****.za or comment below.

Western Cape Lofts (Pty) Ltd known to you as Klapmuts Lofts would like to use the lofts in order to give back to the community in some way. At the same time we would like to expose as many people as possible to pigeon racing.

The idea at the moment is to auction off the pigeons that are racing Hotspot 3 and to thereby have a race within our normal race. We would like to approach a school and thereby expose pigeon racing to all the parents and teachers and children. We would like to raise funds for the school and if possible also for an orphanage or other good cause that exists. Do not be concerned we will not make a donation to the SPCA.

It would be fantastic to have 100 children and parents at the lofts waiting for the arrival of the pigeons.

At this stage it is just an idea and we ask that anyone that is against such an initiative please send me an email (or comment below) of what the concerns might be. If there are strong feelings that we should not do this we need to know so that we can relook at the idea. (Ro****@be*****.za)

Please note the normal Klapmuts Hotspot continues and no one is effected in any way for the normal series.
At the end of the day if we can promote the sport of pigeon racing it will be a good thing.
Good luck to all for the upcoming Hotspot and please feel free to join us at the lofts.

Regards to all.
Fanie, Gert and Robert