Minutes of the Special General Meeting of SANPO held on 6 November 2015 in Durban.
Notule van die Spesiale  Jaarvergadering van SANPO wat gehou  is in Durban op die 6 de November 2015.

  1. 1. Welcome / Verwelkoming

 Faunty Gillmer opens the meeting with a prayer / Faunty Gillmer open die   vergadering met ’n gebed.

 The SANPO President Fadiel Hendricks welcomes and thanked all attendees to the Special   General Meeting. He outlined the purpose of the meeting.

 Die SANPO President verwelkom en bedank al die lede teenwoordig. Hy gee kortliks terugvoer oor die doel van die vergadering.

  1. 2. Notice and Constitution of meeting / Kennisgewing en konstituering van die vergadering.
  1. Credential Forms / Geloofsbriewe

Secretary confirms that all Credential forms received / Sekretaris bevestig     dat alle Geloofsbriewe ontvang is.

  1. Attendance register / Presensielys

Signed by attendees / Geteken deur die lede teenwoordig

  1. Apologies / Verskonings
  • W Munnick
  • H Aucamp
  • G Sinclair
  • D Mccarthy
  • R Zemmer
  • M Bezuidenhout
  • F Wessels
  • Riyaad Najaar
  • P vd Merwe
  • J Stannard
  • M Kitchenbrand
  • N vd Westhuizen
  1. Financial report and approval of the financial statement / Finansiële verslag en goedkeuring daarvan. (Willem van Wyk)

Willem van Wyk as the Chairperson of the Finance Committee gave feedback on the following aspects:

  • Asset verification and the write off policy. (There will not be a total write off. Assets will be on the register at a R1 value)
  • PAYE (SANPO not liable)
  • VAT ( will be claimed back)
  • Depreciation of assets
  1. Audit Report feedback / Oudit verslag terugvoer. (Willem van Wyk)

Independent auditor was appointed to audit the financial statements.

The proposals included a SANPO Financial Policy as well as a SANPO Subsistence and Travel Policy.

Both these proposals will be presented at the next SANPO Board and Annual General Meeting.

Financial and Audit report approve: George le Roux

Finical and Audit report seconded: Mike Sydney

  1. Constitution Amendments / Grondwet wysigings.

10.5.1  Elect one regional representative as Council member and two (2) alternates, whose names shall be submitted to the secretary of SANPO before or on 15th March of each year

New: Elect one regional representative as Council member and two (2) alternates, whose names shall be submitted to the secretary of SANPO (14) days before the Board meeting

Proposed by A Strydom and seconded by W vd Berg

  • The date and time of the following AGM will be determined at the AGM and the venue will be Bloemfontein.

New:   The date, time and venue of the following AGM will be determined at    the AGM.

Proposed by V Krog and seconded by F v Onselen.

Pretoria will host the 2016 SANPO Annual General Meeting and the SANPO Board meeting. The date will be the 11th and 12th March 2016.

AGM: 10:00 (12th March 2016)

Board meeting: 09:00 (11th March 2016)

Proposed by M Sydney and seconded by A Strydom

Rule change:

D3.4   No pigeon may in the year it was born or in the year after it was born   participate in races exceeding 850km. The furthest point may not exceed 920 km. No pigeon may participate in races exceeding 1000 km

New: All races conducted over 1000km needs to be approved by SANPO. Organizations need to apply to the secretary of SANPO for permission for all races exceeding 1000km. Races over 1000km will only be approved if it is for scientific reasons and not exceeding 1200km. This should also be oversee by a vet

Proposed by V Krog and seconded by F v Onselen

New: No forced overnight races will be allowed.

Confirm the existing rule.

  1. Patrons / Beskermhere:

The Minister of Sport,

 Mnr’e P Herbots [Belgie],

G.Barrett [England},

Dr J Kolous [Duitsland],

P.Badenhorst [Australie],

August Daelemans [Belgie],

George Munnik [Goodwood].

Mark Kitchenbrand (Alberton) (new)

  1. Honorary Life Members /Lewenslange Ere Lede:

Dr Wim Peters [Somerset Wes],

George Munnik [Goodwood],

Louis de Jager [Benoni],

Ysuf Moerat [Paarl],

Alan Jordaan [Pretoria],

Rhyn van Rooyen [Reebok],

Koos Koen[Johannesburg],

Mev Yvonne Coertzen [Bloemfontein],

Willie Venter [Pretoria],

Danie Barnard [ Dannabaai],

Chris Smith [Boksburg].

Stan Dreyer [Kaapstad]

Yasied Moerat [Kaapstad]

Theo Langtry [Kaapstad]

Riaad Najaar [Kaapstad]

W vd Berg (Kaapstad)

Nico Dreyer (Bloemfontein) (new)

Faunty Gillmer (Danabaai) (new)

Basil Gossman (Cape Town) (new)

Members passed on:

  • AW Beck
  • Tom Chalmers
  • Silas Willis
  • Monty vd Burg
  • Henry Stighling
  • Henry Bogenhagen
  1. 11. General

   Question regarding additional cost of rings:

    Willem v Wyk (Chairperson: Financial Committee)

  • Additional costs for the NSPCA discussion
  • Additional costs for the Dept of Environmental Affairs discussion.
  • Costs for additional testing facilitate.
  1. 12. Closure /Sluiting.

The SANPO President Fadiel Hendricks thanked all present for their attendance.