Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of SANPO to be held at the Silver Valke Rugby Club in Pretoria on Saturday the 12th March  2016 at 10H00.

Agenda van die Algemene Jaarvergadering van SANPO wat gehou sal word om 10h00 op die 12 de Maart 2016 by die Silver Valke Rugby Klub in Pretoria.

  1. Welcome / Verwelkoming
  1. Scripture / Skriflesing.
  1. Notice and Constitution of meeting / Kennisgewing en konstituering van die vergadering.
  1. Official opening / Amptelike opening.
  1. Credential Forms / Geloofsbriewe
  1. Attendance register / Presensielys

  2. Apologies / Verskonings
  1. Bereavements / Sterfgevalle.

  2. Confirmation of AGM minutes held on the 28th March 2015 at Bloemendal. 

Bekragtiging van die AJV notule gehou op 28 Maart 2015 in Bloemendal.
Confirmation of SGM minutes held on the 6th November 2015 in Durban
Bekragtiging van die SJV notule gehou op 6 de November 2015 in Durban.

  1. Matters arising out of the minutes / Sake voortspruitend uit die notule
  1. Presidents report / Presidents verslag
  1. Financial report and approval of the financial statement / Finansiele verslag en goedkeuring daarvan.
  1. National Lofts / Nasionale Hokke
  1. NFPA.
  1. NSPCA.
  1. Merit Awards / Meriete toekennings.
  1. Constitution Amendments / Grondwet wysigings.
  1. AA)        Junior Club/Federation/Union Member:

A Fancier under the age of 18 years.
Sure there might be some juniors who have wealthy parents and can afford to pay full subs and membership fees as if he were a Full Member,   however this is not the point.   Juniors’ members could range from any age e.g. 6 years old up to 18 years old and there are some important matters that we should consider.

1)      Juniors should not be allowed to take part in any Pools or any form of gambling
2)      Juniors should not have a right to vote on any matters associated with Normal membership of Clubs/Federations/Union/Fancy Clubs.
3)      Only once moving out of junior ranks does a junior get full voting rights.

As the constitution remains silent on this matter, I would suggest we need to insert such a clause.   The reason for this is that most 6,   8,    12,  14 year olds are still learning what is right or wrong,  forming opinions very often based on beliefs of the parents.   Not only can this be manipulated to support the parent’s point of view, their vote could influence the outcome of rather important issues which they have no clue on.

Even our country does not allow a vote from any person under the age of 18,   you cannot obtain a drivers license for a motor vehicle under the age of 18 and many other examples can be referenced.    There are very specific reasons for these laws and the right to vote should be treated in the same manner.

  1. New affiliations / Nuwe affiliasies.
  2. Chief Patron / Hoofbeskermheer. [Mark Kitchenbrand]
  3. Patrons / Beskermhere:


The Minister of Sport,
Mnr’e P Herbots [Belgie],
G.Barrett [England},
Dr J Kolous [Duitsland],
P.Badenhorst [Australie],
August Daelemans [Belgie],
George Munnik [Goodwood].
Mark Kitchenbrand [South Africa]

  1. Honorary Life Members /Lewenslange Ere Lede:

Dr Wim Peters [Somerset Wes],
George Munnik [Goodwood],
Louis de Jager [Benoni],
Ysuf Moerat [Paarl],
Alan Jordaan [Pretoria],
Rhyn van Rooyen [Reebok],
Koos Koen[Johannesburg],
Mev Yvonne Coertzen [Bloemfontein],
Willie Venter [Pretoria],
Danie Barnard [ Dannabaai],
Chris Smith [Boksburg].
Stan Dreyer [Kaapstad]
Yasied Moerat [Kaapstad]
Theo Langtry[Kaapstad]
Riyaadh Najaar [Kaapstad]
Willy vd Berg [Kaapstad]
Nico Dreyer [Bloemfontein]
Faunty Gillmer [Danabaai]
Basil Gossman [Kaapstad] 

  1. Venue and date for the 2016 National Show / Plek en datum vir die 2016 Nasionale Skou.
  1. Date for the 2017 AGM /Datum vir die 2017 AJV.

  2. Subscriptions / Ledegeld [2017].

  3. Adress from the floor, including proposals and contributions for the present and the future, for information and consideration by the Board.

Spreekbeurt vanaf vloer, met voorstelle en insette vir die hede en toekoms ter inligting en oorweging deur die Raad.

  1. Closure / Afsluiting