Dear all;

Please note that SANPO have conducted test re captioned software and are pleased to inform that the Unikon Software version 3.3 issued by Deister to rectify non-compliant issues associated with their previous version 3.2 have been satisfactorily addressed.

We hereby advise the approval of Unikon Version 3.3 that can be downloaded from the relevant Deister Dropbox.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Deister for the prompt and efficient manner in which they addressed this matter.

Hereunder you can for our own internal use view the process that was followed when testing the software.

Kind regards
Shane Gerber


Trust you are well.

As per your instruction below we tested the Unikon Upgrade VERSION 3.3


The new software version 3.3 was downloaded on Mr. J Olivier’s (JO) clock from the “Dropbox” supplied by Deister Electronics Germany as per the email below.

We then upgraded the clock that we used for the tests by inserting the “Cigarette Box” into  JO upgraded clock (docking station). All Unikon clocks  “Cigarette Box” inserted into un upgraded unit will automatically be upgraded, and once you insert the “Cigarette Box” into the docking station it will automatically upgraded the docking station.

We entered two birds into a race and then deleted one of the birds before basketing was closed see Race Entry marked ‘1’.

We proceeded to print the Race Entry List which as per SANPO requirement, should now close the Race and not allow any changes to the Race Entry Data.

Once the entry list was printed we attempted to delete the entered pigeon and we also attempted to add additional pigeons, we changed basketing units and again attempted to change the race entry data.

After the above attempts we connected the clock to the clocking pads and clocked the entered pigeon and also attempted to clock the deleted pigeon.

We repeated the above and went as far as to try and enter the deleted pigeon back into the race it was deleted from before basketing was closed.


  1. Upgrading new software very user-friendly
  2. If Basketing unit is upgraded all clocks basketing through that unit will automatically be upgraded
  3. Upgrade Version appears on printouts so easy to detect.
  4. Pigeons deleted from a race before basketing is closed appears on printout.
  5. Pigeons (E-ring) deleted from racebefore basketing is closed cannot be re-entered on to clock even while basketing is still opened. This pigeon (E-ring) will also not clock in training mode while race is still active on clock.
  6. Once Race Entry List is printed Basketing is closed:
  • No Pigeons can be deleted
  • No Pigeons can be added
  • No race data can be changed
  • Clock will display on screen that Basketin is closed.
  • Changing basketing units makes no difference, basketing closed and no changes possible.

We can confidently state that Unikon Upgrade VERSION 3.3  supplied by Deister Electronics Germany, has resolved the problem SANPO experienced with Unikons Version 3.2 , by insuring that no Race Data can be changed after the Race Entry List is printed.

Further note that the remainder of the software and security remained unchanged.

Trust the above is of assistance.
