By Marisa Calvert

Albert Lingenfelder wins the Western Cape Combine Classic Race 2015

The first Western Cape Combine Classic Race in 30 years took place over the weekend, with more than 1300 fanciers in the Western Cape participating.

The race was organized by the newly-formed Western Cape Racing Pigeon Confederation, headed up by Andrew Kruger, assisted by Erwin Wallendorf, Randy Engelbrecht and Dexter Fischer.

After an average race of 630km from Hanover, Albert Lingenfelder of the North Boland Homing Union reigned victorious. “This was the best team I had in my loft that I could enter, and I didn’t expect to win,” said Lingenfelder. “Bodias, my loft manager, has been with me for the past three years, and this could not have been possible without him, and the support of my family.” Lingenfelder on the future of his winning cock: “he is ready for an early retirement now. I’m letting him bow out on a high.”

With the support of Fadiel Hendricks, President of SANPO, and all the fanciers from the Western Cape, pigeon racing is on its way to new heights.